View from above of Star Journey's 12 Gardens.
Symbol Locator
Each Garden has a teleport hub. TP there, then find your specific symbol nearby.
13. Magician 25. Wanderer 37. Root 49. Cup 61. Tower 62. Glove 73. Mountain
14. Lover 26. Tree 38. Eye 50. Rose 62. Glove 63. Ice 74. Cake
15. Child 27. Chest 39. Tunnel 51. Powder 63. Ice 64. Hole 75. Cross
16. Child 28. Glass 40. Harp 52. Serpent 64. Hole 65. Stone 76. Sea
17. Moon 29. Duck 41. Circle 53. Chain 65. Stone 66. Sword 77. Star
18. Jester 30. Leaf 42. Chair 54. Robe 66. Sword 67. Token 78. Star
19. Maiden 31. Bell 43. Letter 55. Gate 67. Token 68. Handle 79. Cave
20. Butterfly 32. Knife 44. Wheel 56. Wind 68. Handle 69. Rod 80. Pearl
21. Knight 33. Ladder 45. Wing 57. Mask 69. Rod 70. Cherry 81. Coffin
22. Swan 34. Window 46. Tongue 58. Block 70. Cherry 71. Arrow 82. Field
23. Sun 35. Fountain 47. Morning 59. Wand 71. Arrow 72. Siphon 73. Crown
24. Monk 36. Candle 48. Rope 60. Ring 72. Siphon 61. Tower 84. Key
In addition, below is the Circle Pattern showing where symbols are located by number.