Artist Page
Van Caerndow
Who am I?
Where am I?
What am I doing here?
As I approach six years in Second Life these questions come up now and then. I came into SL because I heard it was a good place to get exposure for my artwork. I even read the Time magazine article about Filthy Fluno (Jeffrey Lipsky). And boy has it been true, besides teaching me how to promote and display and set up an exhibit it has given me international exposure. (I sure do miss the Pirats Network).
Second Life has also been a great place to meet new and exciting and supportive people. So, here we have 14 Avatars I have painted portraits of in Real Life, on glass, and photos of the wonderful people they represent.
Phil Strang (Van Caerndow)
My home gallery is here:
and my smaller gallery in Chelsea is here:
Please enjoy this exhibit and come visit often.