Real Life Tools – SL Tools
The virtual world format allows for the elements of the real life tool, Symbols and Circle Pattern, to combine within a single space. Here the set of 96 Star Journey symbols are part of an immersive landscape, arranged according to the themes in the circular pattern or the map of the self.
It's All in the Book
Author Richard Geer has written three books about the tool for self-reflection he created. The latest is: Star Journey – A Cosmology of Self – Picturing the Personal Universe and How It Works. On the sim, the "Get Info" notecards for Symbols are excerpts from this book telling about each one. How to order ...
Other Formats
Online tools – The "games of meaning" found here can also be played on Star Journey's main website, which includes a private online journal.
iPhone/iPad App – Play the Goal Journey on your Apple devices. Stay tuned, new and updated App available Summer 2016!

From Star Journey's Author
I hope you enjoy using Star Journey in Sesond Life. It's one of my favorite formats, because here you can discover symbols as part of a 3-dimensional and experiential world, and in ways that can be shared with others. May your journey lead you to the treasure of awareness within you.
Richard H. Geer / Starman Heron

Founding sim design and project manager – 2008

Teacher, group leader,
real life presenter

Other Designers & Contributors in SL
Lorraine Charron, Tayren Theas, Fuschia Nightfire, Alexa Trefoil, Doctor Pinklady, Suzanne Piers, Klaire Clary
Founding Builders – 2008
Sammy Cukor, Ammit Demontraud, Claudine Ducrot, Shepphard Galbraith, Carrera Jung, LillyAnn Lewsey, Skip Oceanlane, Maat Pangea, Island Projects, RebelTNT Shepherd, Tetsu Tengu, Beda Wilder, Obi Woebegone, XArd Zond